2nd Item Design Contest: 3D Models for the Merit Award Announced!

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2nd Item Design Contest: 3D Models for the Merit Award Announced!

Thank you for waiting.
At long last, we have completed the 3D models for the Merit Award of the “2nd Item Design Contest”!


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*By clicking and dragging, you can rotate the images left and right, getting a 360-degree view.
Let’s check them from every angle!

Taboo rituals awakened this serpentine power!
Weapons blessed by ancient gods and a shield depicting the sun and moon give it a sense of mystique.


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*By clicking and dragging, you can rotate the images left and right, getting a 360-degree view.
Let’s check them from every angle!

Spirituality wafts through the zen-like appearance.
Traditional Japanese weapons such as the khakkhara and bamboo grass tell an ancient story.


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*By clicking and dragging, you can rotate the images left and right, getting a 360-degree view.
Let’s check them from every angle!

This equipment was inspired by the Hydra, a monster with multiple heads.
The armor is fashioned by multiple layers of tough skin, and the 3 heads of the staff threaten to blow fire at any minute.

We hope you enjoyed learning about the 3D models.
We’re working hard to deliver them as soon as possible.
Look for ward to seeing them in game!