New Item Set! Happy Cards Limited Edition (7/16~7/22)

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New Item Set! Happy Cards Limited Edition (7/16~7/22)

A new item set has been added! The new item set is for Cleric “Hell Trooper Set”.

This week’s Happy Cards Limited Edition makes it easier to obtain items from this week’s new Cleric item “Hell Trooper Set” and from the Mage’s item “HWPD Set.”
Happy Cards Limited Edition runs until July 15 (Wednesday).

Item Name Item Type
Hell Trooper Helm Helmet
Massacre Armor Armor
Torture Drill Weapon
Assault Shield Shield


Item Name Item Type
HWPD Hat Helmet
HWPD Uniform Armor
Riot Gun Weapon
Tough Guy Sunglasses Accessory

Happy Cards Limited Edition improves your chances of obtaining the week’s featured items at the following rates.
The probability of obtaining a Super Premium Item is 100% during Happy Time, and 7% at other times.
The probability of obtaining one of the weekly featured items is 50% of the general Super Premium item rate.