Mega Statue Campaign! April 14 – April 20

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Mega Statue Campaign! April 14 – April 20

The Limited Campaign this week is “Mega Statue Campaign.”

The probability to obtain Statues is increased in Happy Cards Limited Edition!
“Statues” are items you can use as a leveling up material in order to lift up the maximum level of equipment items.
Normally you can get them for low probability in Happy Cards and Happy Cards Limited Edition.

The max level for all items is set at level 10 when you obtain them.
However, it’s possible to raise it up to level 15.
Instead of using Statues, you can also use the same equip item as a material to lift up the level cap.
It’s not easy to get the same premium item since Happy Wars has so many kinds of equipment.
Statues help you raise up the max level easily for any item.

The Statue drop rate from Happy Cards Limited Edition is as follows!

Usually, the probability of obtaining a Statue is 5%.
During “Mega Statue Campaign” it’s increased to 15%.
You can’t miss this tripled chance especially if you want to raise the item cap!

*Please note that the Limited Edition Campaigns will not be applied to the normal Happy Cards.

“Mega Statue Campaign” will be available through Wednesday, April 20.