The 3D models of the second Item Design Contest are here!

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The 3D models of the second Item Design Contest are here!

The 3D models of the second Item Design Contest are here!

Congratulations to all the contest winners.


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*By clicking and dragging, you can rotate the images left and right, getting a 360-degree view.
Let’s check them from every angle!

A cool looking rock that covers the body. Looks so real!
The scarf is also a nice touch. Such a badass!


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*By clicking and dragging, you can rotate the images left and right, getting a 360-degree view.
Let’s check them from every angle!

By being modeled in 3D, its already suspicious look becomes even more unsettling!
But also kind of… Cute? It looks like a toy from Mexico’s Day of the Dead!
An artistic masterpiece where the skeleton stands out.


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*By clicking and dragging, you can rotate the images left and right, getting a 360-degree view.
Let’s check them from every angle!

Even the smallest details are meticulously represented!
Seeing it in 3D with all those polygons makes it even more impressive.
It will definitely stand out in the battlefield!

What did you think of the 3D models?
We are working hard to deliver the sets as soon as possible.
The sets are scheduled to be released in order at some point since mid-April.