“Save the PIRATE KING” is on this week!
Not only the pirate has become a PIRATE KING, his skills and parameters have been widely adjusted and balanced.
He has many offensive skills, so when you become him don`t play the defensive role and go for the enemy castle!
In this mode, the first player to defeat an enemy becomes the Pirate King. After that, whoever defeats the Pirate King becomes the new Pirate King. When the teammate who has become the Pirate King enters the enemy castle, your team wins. Protect the Pirate King with your teamwork! If the castle is not invaded before time runs out, the Pirate King’s team wins.
“Save the PIRATE KING” opening times are limited.
The opening times will be as follows:
●Time in EST/EDT:
January 9 (Saturday)
・6:00 am ~ 8:00 am
・3:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm
・8:00 pm ~ 10:00 pm
January 10 (Sunday)
・6:00 am ~ 8:00 am
・3:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm
・8:00 pm ~ 10:00 pm
●Time in UTC:
January 9 (Saturday)
・11:00 ~ 13:00
・20:00 ~ 22:00
January 10 (Sunday)
・01:00 ~ 03:00
・11:00 ~ 13:00
・20:00 ~ 22:00
January 11 (Monday)
・01:00 ~ 03:00
*If you are playing right before it becomes the opening time, it is not possible to enter “Save the PIRATE KING” right away. When it becomes the opening time, please return to the title screen and re-enter the game to be able to play.